박보용 교수님의 새 연구, “The macroscale routing mechanism of structural brain connectivity related to body mass index”가 Neuroimaging 분야 IF 상위 20% 이내 저널(15개 중 3위) ‘Human Brain Mapping’에 게재되었습니다.
Title: The macroscale routing mechanism of structural brain connectivity related to body mass index
Understanding the brain's mechanisms in individuals with obesity is important for managing body weight. Prior neuroimaging studies extensively investigated alterations in brain structure and function related to body mass index (BMI). However, how the network communication among the large-scale brain networks differs across BMI is underinvestigated. This study used diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of 290 young adults to identify links between BMI and brain network mechanisms. Navigation efficiency, a measure of network routing, was calculated from the structural connectivity computed using diffusion tractography. The sensory and frontoparietal networks indicated positive associations between navigation efficiency and BMI. The neurotransmitter association analysis identified that serotonergic and dopaminergic receptors, as well as opioid and norepinephrine systems, were related to BMI-related alterations in navigation efficiency. The transcriptomic analysis found that genes associated with network routing across BMI overlapped with genes enriched in excitatory and inhibitory neurons, specifically, gene enrichments related to synaptic transmission and neuron projection. Our findings suggest a valuable insight into understanding BMI-related alterations in brain network routing mechanisms and the potential underlying cellular biology, which might be used as a foundation for BMI-based weight management.