초청 세미나가 아래와 같이 7월 15일(금)에 진행되오니 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁 드립니다.

- 아 래 -

연사Seok-Jun Hong, PhD ( Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University;

Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Suwon, S. Korea; 

Center for the Developing Brain, Child Mind Institute, NY, USA )

제목: Large-scale brain connectome modeling: organizational principles and neuronal dynamics

일시2022년 07월 15일 (금) 오전 11시

장소과학도서관 611호 / 줌 (Meeting ID: 863 1005 9983, Passcode: VexmX7L0Fu)


What are the principles of functional organization in the human brain?

In this talk, I will first discuss recent evidence showing major

neurocognitive axes embedded in the large-scale resting-state functional

connectome and their changes across different ages and species. Moreover,

using an ensemble learning of directed functional connectivity, I will

demonstrate canonical patterns of information flow across those functional

axes to better capture underling neuronal dynamics. Beyond such

conceptual and analytical advances in connectome fields, I will further

showcase the potential of those advanced modeling techniques in the

clinical samples – e.g., autism and schizophrenia, and demonstrate their

altered brain-behavior relationship. I hope that a series of evidence in my

talk could convince you a power of computational brain imaging and

network modeling approaches and help study parsimonious yet sufficiently

explainable brain mechanisms for complex human cognitive functions.

주최: 고려대학교 뇌공학과 뇌신호처리 연구실 (http://bspl.korea.ac.kr) 

후원: 한국연구재단 중견과제/미래뇌융합과제 (NRF-2017R1E1A1A01077288, NRF-2021M3E5D2A01022515 ) 

문의: Tel. 02-3290-3667, bsplku605@gmail.com