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- 아 래 -

연사: 유혜빈 박사 (서울대학교 의학연구원)

제목: Temporal Context in Episodic Memory Represented in Memory-Sensitive Regions

일시: 2022.04.27() 오후 3

장소: 비대면 온라인 (Zoom)


Episodic memory requires associating items with temporal context, a process for which the medial temporal lobe (MTL) is critical. This presentation shows how memory-sensitivse MTL neurons represent activity in relation to the temporal context of episodic memory, and its consistency with previous models explaining the mechanism of episodic memory formation. This study utilized invasive recordings from 27 human subjects who were undergoing surgical intervention for intractable epilepsy. A total 103 memory-sensitive neurons were identified in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, whose firing rates predicted successful episodic memory encoding as subjects performed a verbal free recall task. These neurons exhibit important properties. First, they demonstrate reinstatement of firing patterns observed during encoding at the time of retrieval. The magnitude of reinstatement predicted the tendency of subjects to cluster retrieved memory items according to input serial position. Also, spiking activity of these neurons was locked to the phase of hippocampal theta oscillations for the retrieved items, but that the mean phase of spiking shifted between memory encoding versus retrieval. Two properties identified in memory-sensitive neurons characterize direct electrophysiological mechanisms for the representation of contextual information in the human MTL. These can be further utilized in controlled neuromodulations for forming efficient context of memory and therefore higher memory performance.

온라인 참여 희망자: hanjaeho@korea.ac.kr로 이메일로 요청 시 zoom 링크 발송 예정