초청 세미나가 아래와 같이 11월 11일에 진행되오니 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁 드립니다.

- 아 래 -

연사: 주성준 교수 (부산대학교 심리학과)

제목Reading: a platform to study learning and brain plasticity

일시: 2021 11월 11일(목) 오후 4시

장소: Zoom 온라인 (비대면) 

온라인 참여 희망자: hanjaeho@korea.ac.kr로 이메일 요청 시 zoom 링크 발송 예정


Reading involves multiple stages of processing, including low-level sensory processing of the visual stimulus, phonological processing of the sounds associated with the printed letters, and higher-level semantic processing of the meaning of words and sentences. To understand plasticity in reading circuitry during the process of learning to read, it is important study spatiotemporal dynamics of reading in these multiple systems. In my talk, I will first discuss the relationship between individual differences in visual deficits and dyslexia, and further demonstrate visual deficits might be a contributing factor to dyslexia in a subset of people with dyslexia. Next, I will present recent data suggesting that fine-tuning of word selectivity in high-level visual cortex over the course of learning to read is critical for skilled reading. Finally, I will show that automatic response to the visually presented words in a canonical language region is indicative of good reading skills: the visual stimulus-driven superior temporal gyrus (STG) response is only present in typical readers but not in children with dyslexia. Overall, these results suggest that diagnosing individual reading circuitry is important to understand individual reading proficiency and difficulty, and associated brain plasticity and impairments.