뇌공학 BK21 초청 세미나가 아래와 같이 9 27일에 진행되오니 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁 드립니다.


 - 아 래 -


연사Klaus-Robert Müller 교수 (Machine Learning Group, TU Berlin)

제목Explainable AI and Applications iHealth Science

일시: 2019 9월 27일(금) 오후 4시 30분

장소: 우정정보관 604호

주최고려대학교 BK21플러스 뇌공학글로벌SW인재양성사업단 

후원고려대학교 대학원 뇌공학과뇌공학연구소, 뇌인지과학융합전공, 인공지능연구센터

문의: 02)3290-5920


In recent years explainable AI (XAI) has emerged and is receiving major attention. The talk will first briefly introduce to XAI (see e.g. Samek et al 2019) and Layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP) as a workhorse of XAI. Then applications in medicine will be discussed. We will refer to two recent ML applications in cancer medicine, one touching foundational research (Binder et al.) and the other one demonstrating translational (Jurmeister et al Science Translational Medicine 2019). Specifically, we show first that we can combine morphological and molecular data for analyzing cancer pathology. The second topic demonstrates research of immediate clinical applicability, where methylation data is being used for diagnosing an important difficult case (metastasis vs. lung cancer).