주제: How to Get Funding for your Tech Startup

연사: 이정진 차장 (현대기술투자) 

일시: 2019년 5월 27일(월) 오후 5시 

장소: 자연계캠퍼스 우정정보관 601호 

주최: 고려대학교 BK21플러스 뇌공학SW인재양성사업단, 인공지능연구소, 뇌공학연구소 

후원: 고려대학교 뇌공학과, 뇌인지과학융합전공, 인공지능 대학ICT연구센터 

문의: 02)3290-5920 


Apple, Google, Oracle, PayPal, YouTube, Instagram, Yahoo and WhatsApp. Can you find the commonality among the startup superstars? The list is from the investment portfolio of Sequoia Capital, one of the most well-known American venture capital firms founded by Don Valentine in 1972. Venture capital is a form of financing, but it is more than just a financing method in a startup world. It nurtures startups by providing timely funding and also helps startups to expand their business by proposing new business strategies.

JungJin Lee, a Deputy General Manager at Hyundai Venture Investment Corp., will describe the startup ecosystem in Korea, emphasizing VC business based on his experience as a venture capitalist and giving a message to tech startups searching for funding opportunities.